Il Nostro Personale
Geoffrey Johnston ha 20 anni di esperienza con il Distretto scolastico di Coquitlam. Geoff ha frequentato Montgomery e Centennial Secondary come studente. Ha una laurea in Curriculum e istruzione presso l’Università di Phoenix, nonché un diploma di laurea e una laurea in Business Administration presso la University of British Columbia e Simon Fraser University. Geoff è stato il responsabile del dipartimento di consulenza, il coordinatore dell’esperienza di lavoro e l’istruzione di formazione internazionale a Port Moody Secondary. Ha anche un’esperienza di insegnamento Business, Scienza e ESL al livello secondario. Come Principal of International Education, Geoff si impegna a sostenere studenti, genitori e insegnanti.
Shawn has 11 years’ experience in the education sector and 8 years in International Education. In his previous role at another school district, he was responsible for marketing and student recruitment in 9 countries. Shawn brings a wealth of experience in the development and management of oversees contracts and partnerships. Shawn is responsible for the research, design, implementation and execution of client-centric International Education Partnerships and Programs. He is responsible for both internal and external marketing efforts in support of an overall presence in the international education market. Shawn represents the District internationally and continues to build and maintain relationships around the world.
Douglas Lee è uno specialista dell’educazione con un master in tecnologia presso la Lawrence Technological University nel Michigan, negli Stati Uniti. Douglas ha una vasta esperienza con International Education nel settore K-12, in particolare in Cina, Taiwan e Hong Kong. Douglas si impegna a mantenere e rafforzare i rapporti di lavoro con i nostri partner di tutto il mondo.
Troy Cunningham ha oltre 20 anni di esperienza lavorando con gli studenti internazionali e immigrati nel distretto scolastico di Coquitlam. Ha insegnato a Port Moody, Pinetree, Centennial e Riverside Secondari ed è stato un vice direttore scolastico estivo negli ultimi sei anni. Troy ha sviluppato un curriculum EAL sia a livello distrettuale che scolastico e ha supervisionato il programma EAL a Port Moody Secondary per 18 anni. Era l’International Education Contact e un capo dipartimento a Port Moody. Ha una laurea in Curriculum e Leadership degli insegnanti dell’Università della Columbia Britannica. Troy è impegnata a sostenere gli studenti e aiutarli a riuscire nel distretto scolastico di Coquitlam.
Heidi Upton has over ten years of experience teaching ELL in Coquitlam School District, and grew up in Port Coquitlam. Heidi attended Terry Fox Secondary as a high school student, and graduated from Simon Fraser University with degrees in History and Education. She completed her teacher training in International Education, and spent two months of her practicum in Dalian, China, at a Maple Leaf International School. She also has a Master’s Degree in TEAL (Teaching English as an Additional Language) from Simon Fraser University. Heidi was the International Education Contact and English Language Coordinator at Gleneagle Secondary before joining International Education as a District Coordinator. In her role as ELL Coodinator, she administered ELL assessments, organized ELL student placements and was involved in ministry ELL audit compliance. In addition, she has over 5 years of experience teaching International Education Summer School. She is committed to creating meaningful learning opportunities for all students studying in Coquitlam, and to support them in finding a sense of belonging and achievement.
Office Staff:
- Erin Froese
- Jeanette Gaucher
- Maria Glavas
- Marnie Haines
- Saradha Natarajan
- Rosy Rojas
- Yvonne Xie (Chinese Youth Worker)
- Hong Yang (Chinese Youth Worker)
- Angela Jeoung (Korean Youth Worker)
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