

All requests for refunds must be made in writing to the International Education Department, School District 43 (Coquitlam). Refund requests must include relevant supporting documentation. The application fee is non-refundable in any circumstance. 

FULL REFUND (less $500 CAD administrative fee) will be granted if Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) does not approve a student Study Permit. To obtain a refund, a complete Request for Refund form and the formal letter of refusal from IRCC must be received by the International Education Department within 60 days of the date on which the Study Permit is refused. 

2/3 REFUND will be granted when: 

  • a student withdraws or becomes a permanent resident prior to the starting date indicated on the Letter of Acceptance or Re-Acceptance, provided that the Request for Refund form is submitted and received within one month of the date on which the student withdraws or becomes a permanent resident. 
  • IRCC does not approve a student Study Permit and the Request for Refund form and the formal letter of refusal from IRCC is received by the International Education Department more than 60 days after the date on which the Study Permit is refused. 

1/2 REFUND will be granted when a student withdraws or becomes a permanent resident after the starting date indicated on the Letter of Acceptance or Re-Acceptance and within one month of the starting date indicated on the Letter of Acceptance or Re-Acceptance, provided that the Request for Refund form is submitted and received within one month of the date on which the student withdraws or becomes a permanent resident. 

NO REFUND will be granted to a: 

  • student who withdraws from the program more than one month after the starting date indicated on the Letter of Acceptance or Re-Acceptance; 
  • student who becomes a permanent resident more than one month after the starting date indicated on the Letter of Acceptance or Re-Acceptance; 
  • student who is dismissed from the program due to a breach of the law, policy or regulation as determined by the Government of Canada, the Police, School District No. 43 (Coquitlam), and/or the International Education Program. 

Students are not eligible for a refund unless they have completed, signed and submitted the Request for Refund form and all other required documents within the time period indicated above. 

It is a fundamental condition of the Board of Education of School District No. 43 (Coquitlam) that the Board shall not be liable for losses or expenses you may incur as a result of the Board being unable to provide education owing to labour disputes or other causes beyond its control. 




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