ऎलिमॆन्टरी स्कूल
Westwood Elementary

- จำนวนนักเรียน: 220
- ชื่อทีมโรงเรียน: Westwood Wolves
- website: Westwood Elementary
Westwood Elementary School (K-5), in Coquitlam School District No. 43 is committed to providing a safe and productive learning environment where every child can reach his/her personal best academically and socially.
To this end the school’s improvement plan focuses on measured progress in literacy.
The teaching and support staff offer a full program of academics, student services support, fine arts and athletic clubs.
Walton Elementary

- จำนวนนักเรียน: 340
- website: Walton Elementary
Welcome to Walton Elementary School, where we strive to create a caring, respectful community of learners. The school community is focused on creating a socially responsible school climate to enhance student learning.