
Summer High School Credit Course Program (6 weeks)暑期6周学分课程

Courses are held Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM and 12:30 PM to 4:00 PM. Students are able to register for one or two courses. Approval must be received from the school currently attending by a school counselor or ESL teacher to take any summer school course.
暑期課程為每週一至五,上午8:30-12:00,下午12:30-4:00. 学生可以选择一或两门有任务的很多人韩国登记注册.学生必须由现有就读的学校辅导老师或ESL老师同意方可受理报名。

Summer High School Credit Courses Application Form (暑期学分课程申请表)

Please note: The last day of Summer School is August 12, 2023.上课到2023.8.12日截至

暑期强化ESL 及文化课程

强化 ESL 上午班


时间:上午 8:30 – 中午 12:00


下午的各种活动可以与 ESL 课程上午班相结合,以产生完整全面的 ESL 和加拿大体验。通过参与团体活动和探索不列颠哥仑比亚省低陆平原地区美丽的户外风景,可以有机会体验加拿大文化并运用最近学会的英语技能。文化课程下午班 包括诸多活动,如游泳、郊游、高尔夫球、网球、保龄球、划艇、远足、骑马、团体性运动、手工制作以及乘坐巴士到受欢迎的观光地区作短途旅行,例如盖斯镇斯坦利公园温哥华水族馆 卡普兰奴吊桥不列颠哥仑比亚大学人类学博物馆H.R. 麦克米兰太空中心等。

时间: 中午 12:00 – 下午 4:30

There are Canadian teenagers (volunteers) in the ESL classes and in the afternoon activities.

Summer English & Culture Group Program 2023 Flyer2023暑期短期单页

Summer English & Culture Group Interest Form暑期短期团队预登记表

Sample 2 Week Calendar2周建议行程

Sample 3 Week Calendar3周建议行程

Summer English & Culture Independent Student Program Information暑期个别学生项目简介

Summer English & Culture Independent Student Application个别学生报名表

Refund Policy & Terms of Agreement退费政策

“It was a blast being a volunteer in the International Education Summer Intensive ELL and Cultural program for two years. In total, I volunteered over 90 hours. My role was to help students with the English language and to tag along with them on outdoor adventures. I am an active member in the community and have been on the district Student Leadership Council Executive for three years. I can say without a doubt that the International Education Summer Intensive ELL and Cultural program was the best place I have volunteered for. The experience was fascinating!!

Vandad Hazrati
Port Moody Secondary School (IB Program)



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暑期高中学分课程(6周) 课程上课时间: 于周一至周五上午8:30-12:00...

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