
Geoffrey Johnston



Geoffrey Johnston has a combined 23 years’ experience in teaching and administration with the Coquitlam School District. He has worked in the field of International Education since 2008. Geoffrey holds a Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction (MA.Ed.) as well as a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) and a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA). Geoffrey was the Counselling Department Head, Work Experience Coordinator and International Education Contact at Port Moody Secondary. He has previous experience teaching Business, Science and ELL at the secondary level.
Geoffrey is a member of the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE), the Canadian Association of Public Schools-International (CAPS-I) and the International Public Schools Education Association (IPSEA).
Geoffrey is an approved Regulated International Student Immigration Advisor (RISIA), regulated by the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC).
As the Principal of International Education, Geoffrey is committed to supporting students, parents, and stakeholders from around the world.

ジェフリー・ジョンストンは、コキットラム学区での教育と管理において合計23年の経験があります。彼は2008年から国際教育の分野で働いています。ジェフリーは、カリキュラムと指導の修士号(MA.Ed.)、教育学士(B.Ed.)、経営学士(BBA)を取得しています。ジェフリーは、ポートムーディーセカンダリーのカウンセリング部門の責任者、職場体験コーディネーター、および国際教育連絡先でした。彼は以前、中等教育レベルでビジネス、科学、ELLを教えた経験があります。 ジェフリーは、カナダ国際教育局(CBIE)、カナダ公立学校協会(CAPS-I)、および国際公立学校教育協会(IPSEA)のメンバーです。 ジェフリーは、移民市民権コンサルタント大学(CICC)によって規制されている、承認された規制された留学生移民アドバイザー(RISIA)です。 ジェフリーは、国際教育の校長として、世界中の学生、保護者、および利害関係者のサポートに取り組んでいます。

Troy Cunningham



Troy Cunningham has over 20 years’ experience working with International and immigrant students in the Coquitlam School District. He has taught at Port Moody, Pinetree, Centennial, and Riverside Secondary Schools and has been a summer school vice principal for the past six years. Troy has developed EAL curriculum at both the district and school level and oversaw the EAL program at Port Moody Secondary for 18 years. He was the International Education Contact and a Department Head at Port Moody. He has a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Teacher Leadership from the University of British Columbia. Troy is committed to supporting students and helping them succeed in Coquitlam School District.


Shawn Silverstone



Shawn Silverstone has over 17 years’ experience in the education sector. He has worked for a public post secondary institution and two public school districts. Shawn plays an active role in the international community having previously been a mentor in the BCCIE mentorship program, Treasurer of IPSEA, and a member of CAPS-I and CBIE.

Shawn has a wealth of experience in the development and management of oversees contracts and partnerships. He is responsible for the research, design, implementation, and execution of client-centric International Education Partnerships and Programs.

Shawn is also responsible for both internal and external marketing efforts in support of an overall presence in more than 40 countries around the world.

ショーンシルバーストーンは、教育分野で17年以上の経験があります。彼は公立 の高等教育 機関と2つの公立学区で働いてきました。ショーンは、以前はBCCIEメンターシッププログラムのメンター、IPSEAの会計、CAPS-IおよびCBIEのメンバーであり、国際社会で積極的な役割を果たしています。

Douglas Lee



Douglas Lee is an education specialist with a master’s degree in Technology from Lawrence Technological University in Michigan, US. Douglas has a vast experience with International Education in the K-12 sector for over 15 years, specifically in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

Douglas is committed to maintaining and strengthening working relationships with our partners from around the world.

Douglas is qualified in the administrator and Proctor of the TOEFL test Centre and manages two TOEFL test Centres under International Education.
A member of CAPS-I.


Heidi Upton



Heidi Upton has over ten years of experience teaching ELL in Coquitlam School District, and grew up in Port Coquitlam. Heidi attended Terry Fox Secondary as a high school student, and graduated from Simon Fraser University with degrees in History and Education. She completed her teacher training in International Education, and spent two months of her practicum in Dalian, China, at a Maple Leaf International School. She also has a Master’s Degree in TEAL (Teaching English as an Additional Language) from Simon Fraser University. Heidi was the International Education Contact and English Language Coordinator at Gleneagle Secondary before joining International Education as a District Coordinator. In her role as ELL Coodinator, she administered ELL assessments, organized ELL student placements and was involved in ministry ELL audit compliance. In addition, she has over 5 years of experience teaching International Education Summer School. She is committed to creating meaningful learning opportunities for all students studying in Coquitlam, and to support them in finding a sense of belonging and achievement.


Adrienne Chapell



Adrienne Chapell has over 15 years experience in the Coquitlam School District, having taught in both middle and high school. As an SD43 graduate herself, she attended Riverside Secondary School where she later taught English, French, Career Education, and Leadership, as well as held a Department Head role. Adrienne created a program at Riverside called International Buddies where Leadership students regularly plan, run, then attend activities and events with International students. Through this program, as well as in her classes, she has worked with many International students, supporting them in the classroom and providing additional opportunities to engage in the school culture. Additionally, Adrienne taught conversational English in China for a summer. She completed her undergraduate degrees at the University of Waterloo and Brock University, specializing in language instruction, and has a Masters degree in Educational Practice from Simon Fraser University. In her role as Program Coordinator, she is committed to supporting students to succeed with their learning, engagement, and involvement in a caring and safe school community.

エイドリアンシャペルは、コキットラム学区で15年以上の経験があり、中学校と高校の両方で教えてきました。SD43の卒業生として、彼女はリバーサイド中等学校に通い、後に英語、フランス語、キャリア教育、リーダーシップを教え、部門長の役割を果たしました。エイドリアンはリバーサイドでインターナショナルバディーズと呼ばれるプログラムを作成し、リーダーシップの学生が定期的に計画し、実行し、留学生との活動やイベントに参加しました 。このプログラムやクラスを通じて、彼女は多くの留学生と協力 し、教室で彼らをサポートし、学校文化に従事する追加の機会を提供してきました。さらに、エイドリアンは夏の間、中国で英会話を教えました。彼女はウォータールー大学とブロック大学で語学教育を専門とする学士号を取得し、 サイモンフレーザー大学で教育実践の修士号を取得しています。プログラムコーディネーターとしての彼女の役割において、彼女は生徒が思いやりのある安全な学校コミュニティでの学習、関与、関与で成功することを支援することに取り組んでいます。



ブリティッシュ コロンビア州教育省は州内屈指の教育区と常に評価 最先端の設備が整ったモダンな校舎 治安の良い、 豊かなコミュニティ ...

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